Unlock the Power of Your KID’s INNER POTENTIALs
initiative and independence
with S.T.e.M
Their inner potentials are untamed and wild and it resides in the unconscious (subconscious) part of their minds. With the right skill and tool they will be able tap into their inner potentials.
S: Self-Awareness
T: Time-Management
E: Emotional-Intelligence
M: Mindset-Development
As Parents
It is our wish for our kids to grow as confident and resilient individuals, ready to face the uncertainties and challenges in life and embrace the blessings they have with gratitude.
The preteen and teenage years can be turbulent, with rapidly changing emotions and new challenges that oftentimes can be very confusing. This transition phase is when self-awareness becomes crucial.
At present, they may not be understanding the depth of events happening around and why they feel what they felt or at times, how should they feel?
To overcome this, understanding and applying the S.T.E.M. concept and learning tools such as pendulum to align their thinking and how they feel comes in handy.
Help them
Where Powerful Learning Meets Fun!
S: Self-Awareness
T: Time-Management
E: Emotional-Intelligence
M: Mindset-Development
For Kids Age 10-15
Their thinking mind and how they feel and resonate with what’s going on around them and within them shapes their self-perception, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. Fostering self-awareness helps them uncover their innate strengths, talents, and values that they are unaware off. By encouraging introspection and self-reflection, they can begin to understand their inner motivations, what are they feeling, why they feel what they felt or feeling, and their thought patterns, empowering them to make choices that align with their authentic selves.
Time Management
As they transition into adolescence, the demands on their time and responsibilities increases. Effective time management is not just about planning and organisation them; it’s about the balance between what required completion for their structured learning and their innate needs that changes over time as they grow eg time for them to explore their interests and incorporate that into their time management. Independent time-management strategies can help them develop skillsets to prioritise, focus, and discipline in the life. By establishing guided routines and healthy habits for independent application earlier in their years increases their confidence and personal management for productivity and overall wellbeing.
Emotional Intelligence EQ
Developing emotional intelligence involves consciously learning emotional regulation methods/strategies and working towards understanding what they feel and expressing them in healthy manner. By learning and cultivating self-awareness and emotional regulation at younger age, our kids will be guided and equip with awareness that enables them greater understanding of themselves that leads to better managing their emotional states, fostering healthier interpersonal relationships and overall emotional well-being.
Mindset and belief systems that forms the perceptions of our kids at younger age can have a profound impact on their future outlook and approach to life. Nurturing a growth mindset from young allows them to cultivate healthy learning attitudes and behaviors, Growth mindset cultivates inner motivations towards spotting and creating opportunities even in face of challenges & uncertainties. Thus fostering resilience, a love for learning, and a commitment to personal growth from young age is important.
How will the workshop
be structured?
When/Where is the
upcoming workshop?
The online 3.5hours workshop will include a mix of interactive lectures, sharings, group activities, individual goal-setting exercises, and use of tool such as pendulum.
With our curated hands-on exercises, kids will acquire the skills of using the pendulum to align their S.M.A.R.T. goals between their thinking minds and how they feel through the understanding and application of S.T.EM. concepts.
They will learn why, what and how to integrate self-awareness, time management, emotional intelligence and mindset development for their overall self-management and well-being.
Our workshop cultivates a nurturing atmosphere where kids are encouraged to share experiences, gain insights, and connect on similar interests, fostering a strong sense of self and as a community.
Immerse in this transformative workshop, and unlock the boundless possibilities of the pendulum. They will leave feeling empowered to seamlessly apply what they learnt into their life and experience its deep impact.
Pendulum as a Guiding Tool
A pendulum can be used as a guiding tool that bridges our thinking mind and how we feel. The rhythmic motion of the pendulum is moved by our unconscious micro-muscle movements and not by external sources or voodoo or magic. Its move also responds to our intention and language used when using the pendulum.
The use of a pendulum as a tool can form the neural pathways between our thinking mind and how we feel for self-awareness, time management, emotional intelligence, and mindset development for a growth mindset.
The use of a pendulum is simple yet profound use can be easily learnt and used by our kids from as young as 10 years old.
They will learn about
Internationally Certified NLP Trainer
Clarity Breakthrough Coach & Mentor
About the Trainer
Certifications & Credentials
Licensed Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy® and Six-Phase Meditation Trainer | Master Practitioner of and Hypnotherapy
How can I enrol my child
in this workshop?
Contact our friendly registration team for enrolment:
+65 8772 1145 (Gerra) or +65-8806 9265 (Lin)
Please complete this enrolment form:
Q. Is any prior knowledge of pendulums or goal-setting required?
A. No prior knowledge is required. The workshop will cover the basics of pendulum motion and goal-setting principles from the ground up, making it accessible to all participants.
Q. What materials or equipment will be provided for classroom face-to-face workshop?
A. All necessary materials for the pendulum will be provided. Participants only need to prepare with them a pen and paper for note-taking.
Q. What materials or equipment will be provided for online workshops?
A. A mystery kit box with a pendulum will be provided. Participants only need to prepare with them a pen and paper for note-taking.
Q. When will the online link be provided to online workshop participants?
A. Upon receipt of full payment, online Zoom details will be provided a day before the scheduled workshop timing.
Q. What is the maximum number of participants?
A. To ensure a conducive learning environment and personalized attention, the workshop will be limited to a maximum of 10 participants.
Q. Will there be any take-home materials or follow-up activities?
A. Yes, participants will receive a workbook with goal-setting templates, a pendulum and additional resources for continued learning and practice at home.
Q. Is this workshop suitable for all kids aged 10-15?
A. The workshop is designed to be engaging and interactive for kids age 10-15 years old, catering to different learning styles and abilities.
For Further Enquiries, Contact